About Ollie

Ollie Francis is a teacher of literature and a fiction writer living in Sheffield, UK.

Short-form fiction

Flash Fiction

You can watch my flash fiction on:



BadFiction Podcast

A podcast of short stories.

Available on:


Long-form fiction

You can support my long-form writing on Patreon.


What if you knew the person you love today will not the person you love tomorrow?

When a message broadcast back across time inadvertently reveals to Kerry that the man loves today will not be the one she marries in the future, she has to make a decision: how long do you stay when you know it’s not going to last?

Meanwhile, at the other end of society, Fi finds herself struggling with a world that seems to be working against her, pushing her into the heart of a revolution plotting to bring the system crashing to its knees.

Futuredebt is a story of free will, self-determination and how small acts of kindness can be a catalyst for change.

Paid supporters can read the novel on Patreon.


An epic eco-fantasy set in a world where humans have long been forgotten.

The Old Bear is dead and the Threehorn Stag rules in Highwood.

One by one the other bloodwoods of the kingdom have come to receive the mark of the new king and pledge him their loyalty. But there are rumours that the Old Bear lives, that his family is hidden away in the North plotting their return. There are whispers that his ghost stalks the vast wasteland of the frozen forest, longing for vengeance. There are even tales that the old gods are walking again and have crossed the desolation of the Eastern Desert to reclaim the bloodwood trees from those who have abused their power. 

It is a dangerous world for the animals of the Kingdom. Few will survive what is coming. Fewer still will be glad they did. But there is hope.

There is always hope.


Kingdom is an eco-fantasy written and produced by Ollie Francis.

Season 1 is available for free as a podcast:

Connect via Patreon to support season 2.

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I craft eerie, thought-provoking short fiction. My podcast, BadFiction, delves into the unsettling ordinary and the downright bizarre. I also lead the Blank Street Writers community in Sheffield.