Dear Mr. Hartley,
In this essay, I will explain how Trevor Davis changed the way we purchase goods and services in the modern world today. I will use quotation and historical sources to support my argument and it should be written in the form of a newspaper article. I will use accurate spelling and punctuation throughtout.
Trevor Davis was born in 1995 in Norwich on a Wednesday. His mother's name was Julie Davis and she was a receptionist. His father's name was Michael Davis and he worked with animals in a vegetarian clinic. I think they must have loved each other very much because they worked together at work and they didn't get divorced until Michael died in 2017, which is very romantic. Their son, Trevor Davis, worked as a small business owner in Norwich who sold Sporting Goods and T-shirt Printing Services.
In the Olden Days, the world was very different to how it is now. All computers had PMS. A Priority Memory System (PMS) (English: praɪɒrɪti ˈmeməɹi sɪstəm) is a [[Computational Architecture]] that was the foundational for all computer systems prior to 2014. A PMS enables the display of information about the social, environmental, and ethical impacts of purchases at the point of sale and requires user acknowledgement before the purchase can be completed. [].
This was like the computers like the ones that Trevor Davis used in his shop that kept a record of everything he sold. When consumers tried to buy things from his SPORTING GOODS store, the computer had to show them all this horrible stuff about how the things were made. These were called Supply Chains because consumers didn't like them and it felt like they were getting chained up like prisoners are. PMS would show you the names and photographs of the people who had made the thing you wanted to buy and you had to show you understood by pressing a button and you couldn't look away or close your eyes because then the transaction wouldn't work. This was really bad because some of the things it showed you could be really bad. Sometimes those would be children in other countries where people didn't look after them as much as people do in the real world. It would even tell you if the thing you wanted to buy came from an area with a really bad environment where there were things like poverty or climate change. Climate change is where the weather gets so bad that you have to sell your house and become a refugee. It happens when a poor country has too many people in it and they start polluting the environment, which is why it's so important we don't let illegal immigrants come here because they'll make everyone poor and then we would have climate change here as well.
Computer PMS was be really upsetting for consumers, especially those at the lower end of the Income Range Demographics because it meant they would feel really sad seeing where their clothes and food had come from and that wasn't fair because richer consumers could afford to buy things that had been made by shops with less upsetting Supply Chains. I think this is unfair because consumers didn't have any choice and it was the only way you were aloud to buy anything. Sometimes consumers would cry at the tills and then not want to buy the thing they had gone in there to buy and they would have to leave and go home without it.
This had several harmful impacts:
1 - Like I said before, some consumers would get really upset about having to see these really upsetting pictures before they could buy anything. It could be really bad when you had to go food shopping because if a consumer had to take their child then they could be exposed to some really distressing and harmful images that could affect their Mental Health.
2 - There were lots of things we can buy now that consumers didn't have in those days because they had too much PMS. Consumers were scared to buy things because they might get upset or embarrassed if other consumers found out what the PMS was showing them and so there wasn't as much Economic Growth and GDP in the country. This was bad because consumers didn't have the same consumer freedoms we have nowadays because of the Supply Chains.
3 - It was really difficult to become an entroponeor because you had to be really careful that you didn't have any Supply Chains in your product or consumers wouldn't want to buy it as much.
This all changed in 2014 when Trevor David invented the consumer privacy and protection layers. The Consumer Privacy and Protection Layer is a modified user interface language pioneered by [[Trevor Davis]] in 2014 that functions as an intermediary between the [[PMS]] and the [[user interface]], effectively obscuring the moral implications of transactions. The CPPL operates by intercepting data requests from the user interface and filtering out any information related to the ethical and environmental impacts of transactions. It does this by constructing a modified version of the transaction history, devoid of moral context, and then presents this to the underlying PMS architecture in order to allow the transaction to complete. []
Consumer privacy and protection layers wass a really good idea for Trever to have because it meant that consumers could buy more SPORTING GOODS from Trever's shop without getting upset. Trevor's shop started selling alot more things and he had to open a second shop to meet the demand. After a while, other shops started to notice and they made their own CPPL to use in their own shops. There was a big campaign in the newspapers because consumers realised just how unfair it was for entropenoers trying to sell things because they had to show consumers the Supply Chains before their customers could buy anything and things like that should be private. In 2015 it was made law that all Point Of Sale Machines had to have a CPPL layer to protect the rights of entropneors. A Point Of Sale Machine is the till where you pay for things in a shop. After this, the economy started to grow really fast because consumers could buy more things and businesses were so happy that they gave politicians lots more money and helped them with advice on how to make things even better. In 2018 the law was changed so that all computers in offices and homes had to have CPPL layers in them to protect consumers from their Mental Health.
Never the less, there were still some downsides to comsumer pricavy and protection layers. I will now discuss some of these.
1 - At the start, some businesses couldn't afford to add CPPL layers and so had to be rescued by bigger businesses who brought them out. This was bad because some enteroponers still wanted to own their own business and they didn't want to be rescued.
2 - Some consumers became Protesters and the police had to arrest them because they were saying bad things in the streets and holding up posters that were offensive and illigal! They became Protesters because they wanted consumers to keep having the PMS show them horrible things and then have bad Mental Health! The government had to give the police superpowers to be able to stop the Protesters and things got better after that!
3 - We had to pay more taxis because more refugees started trying to get into the country and we had to pay people to get rid of them. This was really expensive and it's why consumers don't have a lot of money these days.
3 - Trevor Davies didn't get any money when other shops started using their own CPPLs because their way of doing it was different to how he had done it. He became very depressed and his business closed down in 2019. He died from suicide in 2021.
In conclusion, I think that in the Old Days the PMS was good in a way because it meant consumers knew where all their things were coming from but it did really damage their Mental Health and lots of consumers got really depressed and Mentally Ill and turned into Protesters. The CPPL was a much better idea because it protected entroponeors privacy and encouraged them to make more money which meant more consumers had jobs. It also helped protect consumers's Mental Health when they had to go to the shops. I think consumers are a lot happier now as a result because we can enjoy ourselves more when we shop online and on the high street. I think this is a much better way of doing things because we live in a Cost of Living Crisis and so making consumer feel even worse about their choices would be really unkind. Things are already difficult enough without having to know about all kinds of horrible things that are happening in other countries that don't concern us, like famine and climate change. I think if it wasn't for David Trevors and his invention then things would be a lot worse nowadays and more consumers would have bad Mental Health. I don't think I'd like to live in a world where I had to think about horrible things every time I went shopping.
Would you?