Sometimes it takes longer than you think
I tend to underestimate how long things take. Getting the kids out the door is always a struggle. God knows how we don’t starve to death…
I tend to underestimate how long things take. Getting the kids out the door is always a struggle. God knows how we don’t starve to death while I get the evening meal ready.
But we still manage it. Somehow.
This week’s Kingdom episode took a lot longer to get out into the world than I had planned. This wasn’t due to laziness. More to do with the events in the episode expanding beyond my control until the word count ended up as high as every other episode so far combined.
I guess I had a lot to say. But I didn’t know that at the beginning. If anything the plan I had made suggested this was going to be a relatively shorter chapter. The thing is that all these extra characters started sticking their noses in the door and I hadn’t the heart to turn them away.
This episode is a busy one. It’s set in the centre of Highwood, in the Citadel where the mighty Bloodoak stands, branches stretching out a half-day’s travel in any direction. This is the heart of the Kingdom and also the first time we catch a glimpse of the Threehorn Stag. We meet the extended family of the King, the representatives of other bloodwoods, Shoulders of the King, a few Hearts of the King and, most importantly, we get a chance to see the Brightwood Flowers bloom, lighting up the Citadel like a cloud of stars brought to earth.
It’s enough to make your head spin.
As always, I’m writing this with the door open. That means I want to hear your feedback. What works in this episode? What doesn’t? What do I need to change for when I have the thing set down in print? And more important than any of that, what did you actually enjoy?
Let me know what you think. I’m writing this thing with you in mind.
Kingdom is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you find your podcasts.