At the moment there is only one series of the Kingdom audiobook podcast available and only two chapters of text for Kingdom up on the website. So where can we read more?
Firstly, let me reassure you that I’m still actively working on Kingdom. Part 2 stands at more than 50,000 words at the start of 2024 and that wordcount and the world building that supports it is still creeping up.
But it’s not time to share it yet.
Part 1 of Kingdom was released as a podcast and you can still listen back to it here or anywhere where you listen to podcasts. It was great fun and I loved all the positive feedback from the thousands of you who tuned in to follow along. But the nature of the story and my own apologetically slow pace of writing meant that there was too long between chapters and the details of the various storylines was easily lost to time and memory in between.
I’ve chosen to wait until the thing is ready completely before releasing the next part. I’ve put so much effort into the little universe I’m creating that releasing it in a way that hinders the experience doesn’t seem right.
But it’s not all bad news!
Over 2024 I have another project to share with you that is ready for the limelight. Futuredebt is a speculative fiction about what happens when you know the future and don’t know what to do with it. There’s romance, rebellion and a new take on time travel that I hope draws you in with its take on free will and social justice.
You can follow the project on Wattpad and RoyalRoad for free and Patreon supporters get early access to new chapters. There are 51 chapters in total, which will be released weekly throughout the year. I really hope you take a look and enjoy what you find and if you do, please consider supporting the work by becoming a Patreon supporter for as little as £1 a month. It would mean the world to me.
Futuredebt is a speculative fiction about what happens when you know the future but don’t know what to do about it.
You can read it on Wattpad and RoyalRoad and Patreon supporters get access to new chapters early.
Kingdom is an epic eco-fantasy about the return of humanity to a world that has long forgotten them.
You can listen to the audiobook podcast of Part 1 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and your favourite podcast app.